Welcome Baby Avery!!!

•May 2, 2011 • Leave a Comment

At one day old, this angel was already showing some attitude!

Another Buenio member joined the gang on the 5th of April and I was, still am, honored to be given the chance to document these precious images.

Baby TL

•April 18, 2011 • Leave a Comment

During his birthday party, I was unfortunately not present to celebrate the occasion. I felt bad about it thus, giving me the idea of another photoshoot to ease my guilt.

While I was photographing him, I felt nostalgic. The first time I met this little angel, he was a mere baby that needed to be carried by parents. But this time, he was running and crawling all over the place searching for something to destroy. His face was filled with different expressions compare to when he was still a baby.

Here are some of his pictures and see for yourselves how delightful he is to be around.

•April 12, 2011 • Leave a Comment

The more I became involved with photography, the more I appreciate the old style version. Black and White Photography was the pioneer of all photography and most of the unforgettable photos ever taken were B&W. And now, I thought to show some of my own. Call it, a poor excuse of B&W Photography…

Dancing Colors

•April 11, 2011 • Leave a Comment

Last summer was the first time I have witnessed the Fountain Light Show. Its basically lights dancing around the fountains while following the a song. It was done beautifully and very soothing to watch. Every ages seemed to enjoy, though short, the show. Enticing colors were lit while a dramatic song was playing. Unfortunately, I did not have a tripod to use, thus, some pictures are blurry. But I think I captured the main idea of the show.


•April 4, 2011 • Leave a Comment

My first official photoshoot with Abad Family. The first time I have met baby TL. He was only 4 months old then and right away I have fallen in love with this cutey baby. And now few months later, he will be celebrating his 1st year! Time sure flies fast.

I am a mother of a ten year old girl…

•March 28, 2011 • Leave a Comment

This is my niece whom I have met when I was 15 years old. I have become her second mother since the day she was born on March 7, 2001. At this young age, I have faced the torture of waking up every 2 hours to feed her, staying another an hour to put her to sleep, then awakening once again within 15 minutes because her diaper needed change and then back to putting her to sleep which took another an hour. Boy, was I an exhausted 15 year old then.

Despite the exhausting experience I have learned two things in this event.

1.) Being a mother is NO joke! Thank God I experienced this situation because it made me realized that taking care of a baby requires tremendous work. Once ought to be physically, mentally and financially fit to get one.

2.) “Love @ first sight” exists indeed. The first time I laid eyes on her, I knew she caught my heart on the spot.

And now, my baby is no baby no more. She’s becoming a young girl. sniff sniff* they grow up so fast!